A Sanctuary For Your Nervous System

Aerial Somatics is a holistic methodology that integrates the art and science of inspiring and effective modalities including Cranial Sacral Therapy, Thai Massage, Acro Yoga, Continuum Movement, Structural Integration and Somatic Healing. The resulting suspended somatics’ technology allows for the harnessing of gravity to benefit both practitioner and client. In this innovative multi-dimensional modality we simulate a womb-like experience utilizing the principles of interoception, coherence, and radiance in relationship with fluid dynamics, tensegrity, and entrainment.

Through this method we gain access to the “Body Magick” state of being.

In this state we are embodied Souls; expressing as highly attuned multi-dimensional radiant fluid structures moving through the world with our highest consciousness as the pilot of the physical and electrical systems of the body mind.

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Upcoming Events

Free 5–Day Online Somatic Immersion

This will be not only education and practices for nervous system regulation, but also tools for increasing the capacity for handling the ups and downs of life without collapsing. Dr. Somer’s daily Somatic Meditations are designed to develop your felt sense, embodied awareness and the ability to read the signals of your body. It is vital to identify the dysregulation in your body, so you can then efficiently bring yourself back to a calm and present state where healing can occur.

3-Day Practitioner Certification

This is your invitation to an intimate gathering of highly skilled practitioners in the fields of body work and somatic therapy for the inaugural Aerial Somatics Level 1 Practitioner Certification training. Participants will become the inner circle ambassadors and leaders of this sacred work in the world.We will gather in the one and only Aum Dome in Encinitas, San Diego California for this experiential training. Payment plans and other payment options available upon request.

Meet Our Founders

Maura Gwiazda

With over 20 years of experience as a bodyworker and movement educator, Maura is also the founder of the Aum Dome Temple, in Encinitas CA, where she serves as a guide to help people reconnect with the innate intelligence of their bodies. Working at the intersection of spirit and matter, while dancing with the elements of structure and fluidity, she weaves together various modalities such as Thai Massage, Structural Integration, Cranial Sacral and her innovative technique, Aerial Somatics, which is a suspended, gravity-assisted modality that simulates a womb-like experience., Her mission to serve as a vessel for unconditional love allows her clients to access a state of balance and harmony, while increasing flexibility and mobility and an opportunity to come home and feel safe in their bodies.

Heather Hollander

Heather’s 21 years of study and teaching embodiment and consciousness practices have guided the co-development of innovative modality “Aerial Somatics”. Her personal exploration of somatics was catalyzed by chronic mysterious neurological health challenges resulting in an experiential masters level training in trauma integration and radiant health.

Our 40+ years of combined study and teaching embodiment and consciousness practices have guided the development of this innovative modality.

Important influences include Acro Yoga, Continuum Movement, structural integration, Gil Hedly Integral Anatomy studies, Tom Meyers Anatomy Trains, Madeline Wade Strozzi Institute, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Thai Massage, myo-facial release, Academy of Intuition Medicine, Siddha Yoga meditation, Kriya yoga meditation, Tibetan Buddhist meditation, Superhuman adept mentors, Anusara yoga, Shiva Rea Samudra School of Living Yoga, Osteo-Thai, Visceral Manipulation, Tantra, Sound therapeutics, Quantum Physics, Resonance Science, True Body Intelligence, Shadow work, trauma integration modalities, brain training modalities, and integrative medicine modalities.

These influences have provided a foundation for the development of our shared personal access to gnosis (knowing). As we walked the path of inner discovery together we engaged in ongoing dialogue and embodied exploration of these various influences with an attitude of curiosity. In asking the deeper questions about how to fully embody our Soul consciousness we began to receive this innovative modality as the answer. After a decade of receiving, exploring, and mapping we are grateful to be in the process of birthing this incredible path home to wholeness into the world.

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